It's too damn hot
After a lovely evening at Jacob's partaking of Sangria, Absinthe, and incredible company I got Absinthe on the brain and decided to finally dig this one out of the queue and make it happen.
KnitPicks bare fingering hand dyed by me using Wilton's Cornflower blue and citric acid
size 1 for the foot and ribbing, size 2 for the leg
August 18-24
The first time through the instep chart threatened to turn my brain to mush. I think my main problem was that some of the symbols were too small to clearly see. And some of the symbols had abbreviations that I'm used to seeing another way. For example, the pattern called for SK2P which despite my 8 years of knitting I've never seen abbreviated that way. Because I'm not a chart knitter it required a little bit of fiddling every now and then to make sure I was interpreting it correctly.
The second sock went much faster. As far as cabled and charted socks go these were really fast.
I just cast on a nice plain toe-up so I could practice that method with a single 40" circular some more (and also not have to think too hard). I'm thinking I might like to do Skew after this sock.
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